Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2024 |
Pressurized environments directly influence friction and wear of dry steel contacts - Investigations in a novel high fluid pressure tribometer
Reichle, Paul; Barz, Jakob Philipp; Umlauf, Georg; Tovar, Günter |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2023 |
Volatile Lubricants Injected Through Laser Drilled Micro Holes Enable Efficiently Hydrocarbon-Free Lubrication for Deep Drawing Processes
Reichle, Paul; Reichardt, Gerd; Henn, Manuel; Umlauf, Georg; Barz, Jakob Philipp; Riedmüller, Kim Rouven; Liewald, Mathias; Tovar, Günter E.M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2022 |
Noninvasive Physical Plasma as Innovative and Tissue-Preserving Therapy for Women Positive for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia
Marzi, Julia; Stope, Matthias B.; Henes, Melanie; Koch, André; Wenzel, Thomas; Holl, Myriam; Layland, Shannon L.; Neis, Felix; Bösmüller, Hans; Ruoff, Felix; Templin, Markus; Krämer, Bernhard; Staebler, Annette; Barz, Jakob Philipp; Carvajal Berrio, Daniel A.; Enderle, Markus; Loskill, Peter M.; Brucker, Sara Y.; Schenke-Layland, Katja; Weiss, Martin |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2022 |
Roll-to-roll structuring and PECVD coating of polymer foils
Barz, Jakob Philipp; Umlauf, Georg |
2022 |
Friction and Wear Behavior of Deep Drawing Tools Using Volatile Lubricants Injected Through Laser-Drilled Micro-Holes
Reichardt, G.; Henn, M.; Reichle, P.; Umlauf, G.; Riedmüller, K.; Weber, R.; Barz, J.; Liewald, M.; Graf, T.; Tovar, G.E.M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2021 |
Investigations on the Process Stability of Dry Deep Drawing with Volatile Lubricants Injected Through Laser-Drilled Microholes
Reichardt, G.; Henn, M.; Reichle, P.; Hemming, D.; Umlauf, G.; Riedmüller, K.; Weber, R.; Barz, J.; Liewald, M.; Graf, T.; Tovar, G.E.M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2020 |
Cancer-selective treatment of cancerous and non-cancerous human cervical cell models by a non-thermally operated electrosurgical argon plasma device
Feil, L.; Koch, A.; Utz, R.; Ackermann, M.; Barz, J.; Stope, M.; Krämer, B.; Wallwiener, D.; Brucker, S.Y.; Weiss, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2020 |
Low-pressure plasma activation enables enhanced adipose-derived stem cell adhesion
Kleinhans, Claudia; Schmohl, L.; Barz, J.; Kluger, Petra Juliane |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2019 |
Stability and water wetting behavior of superhydrophobic polyurethane films created by hot embossing and plasma etching and coating
Barz, Jakob Philipp; Haupt, Michael; Oehr, Christian; Hirth, Thomas; Grimmer, Philipp |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2019 |
Dose-dependent tissue-level characterization of a medical atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet
Weiss, Martin; Barz, Jakob; Ackermann, Michael; Utz, Raphael; Ghoul, Aya; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Stope, Matthias; Wallwiener, Diethelm; Schenke-Layland, Katja; Oehr, Christian; Brucker, Sara; Loskill, Peter |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2019 |
Lubricant-free deep drawing using CO2 and N2 as volatile media injected through laser-drilled microholes
Zahedi, Ehsan; Woerz, Christoph; Reichardt, Gerd; Umlauf, Georg; Liewald, Mathias; Barz, Jakob; Weber, Rudolf; Foerster, Daniel J.; Graf, Thomas |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2019 |
Characterization of a non-thermally operated electrosurgical argon plasma source by electron spin resonance spectroscopy
Weiss, Martin; Utz, Raphael; Ackermann, Michael; Taran, Florin-Andrei; Krämer, Bernhard; Hahn, Markus; Wallwiener, Diethelm; Brucker, Sara; Haupt, Michael; Barz, Jakob; Oehr, Christian |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2018 |
Nanomaterialien in Verpackungen und Barrierefolien
Bott, Johannes; Miesbauer, Oliver; Stramm, Cornelia; Barz, Jakob; Müller, Michaela; Amberg-Schwab, Sabine |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article
2018 |
Laser drilling of tool steel under plasma atmosphere
Barz, Jakob; Reichle, Paul; Umlauf, Georg; Tovar, Günter; Zahedi, Ehsan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2018 |
A new approach for dry metal forming: CO2 as volatile lubrication in combination with hard and low friction coatings
Umlauf, Georg; Hasselbruch, Henning; Henze, Jan-Hinnerk; Barz, Jakob; Mehner, Andreas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2018 |
Lubricant-free deep drawing using CO2 and N2 as volatile media injected through laser-drilled microholes
Zahedi, Ehsan; Woerz, Christoph; Reichardt, Gerd; Umlauf, Georg; Liewald, Mathias; Barz, Jakob; Weber, Rudolf; Graf, Thomas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2018 |
Plasma polymerization of TEMPO yields coatings containing stable nitroxide radicals for controlling interactions with prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
Michl, Thomas D.; Barz, Jakob; Giles, Carla; Haupt, Michael; Henze, Jan Hinnerk; Mayer, Joachim; Futrega, Kathryn; Doran, Michael Robert; Oehr, Christian; Vasilev, Krasimir; Coad, Bryan R.; Griesser, Hans Jörg |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2016 |
Grundlagenuntersuchungen zur Herstellung von Lasermikrobohrungen in Stahl und dem Ausströmverhalten von CO2 als Trockenschmiermedium
Umlauf, Georg; Zahedi, Ehsan; Wörz, Christoph; Barz, Jakob; Liewald, Mathias; Graf, Thomas; Tovar, Günter E.M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
Neues Bewitterungsverfahren für Proben
Barz, Jakob; Haupt, Michael; Oehr, C.; Mayer, Joachim |
2015 |
Anti-Eis-Oberflächenbeschichtungen. Plasmaverfahren für große Flächen
Haupt, Michael; Barz, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
Energy efficient de-icing by superhydrophobic and icephobic polyurethane films created by microstructuring and plasma-coating
Barz, Jakob Philipp; Ganesan, Swarupini; Grimmer, Philipp; Haupt, Michael; Hirth, Thomas; Oehr, Christian |
Bericht Report
2013 |
Preparation and characterization of nanometer-thin freestanding polymer foils for laser-ion acceleration
Aurand, B.; Elkin, B.; Heim, L.-O.; Lommel, B.; Kindler, B.; Tomut, M.; Rödel, C.; Kuschel, S.; Jäckel, O.; Barz, J.; Kuehl, T. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2013 |
Lager wie geschmiert. Reibungsreduzierung in Kugellagern durch nanodyn®-Plasmabeschichtungen
Haupt, Michael; Bergrath, B.; Barz, J.; Oehr, Christian; Wemhöner, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2013 |
Funktionalisierung von Werkstoffoberflächen mittels moderner Niederdruckplasmaverfahren
Barz, J. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2013 |
Ammonia plasma treatment of polystyrene surfaces enhances proliferation of primary human mesenchymal stem cells and human endothelial cells
Kleinhans, Claudia; Barz, J.; Wurster, S.; Willig, M.; Oehr, Christian; Müller, Michael; Walles, Heike; Hirth, Thomas; Kluger, Petra Juliane |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2012 |
Cell adhesion and proliferation of adipose derived stem cells on low pressure plasma modified surfaces
Schmohl, L.; Kleinhans, Claudia; Barz, J.; Müller, Michael; Walles, Heike; Schenke-Layland, Katja; Kluger, Petra Juliane |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2011 |
Funktionale Schichten für Chemikalienbehälter: Barriere mit Wirkung
Barz, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2011 |
Plasmagenerator sowie Verfahren zur Erzeugung und Anwendung eines ionisierten Gases
Barz, J.; Elkin, Bentsian; Mueller, Michael; Oehr, C. |
2011 |
Diagnostics of low pressure microplasmas for surface modification
Panowitz, S.; Barz, J.; Müller, Michael; Franzke, J.; Oehr, Christian; Hirth, Thomas |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2011 |
Analysis and modeling of gas-phase processes in a CHF3/Ar discharge
Barz, J.P.; Oehr, Christian; Lunk, A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2011 |
Fraunhofer-Beschichtung verringert Permeation
Barz, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2010 |
Parylenbeschichtung polymerer Werkstoffe
Barz, J.; Müller, Michaela; Elkin, B.; Oehr, Christian |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article
2010 |
Particle dynamics simulation and diagnostics of the PECVD processes in fluorocarbon rf discharges
Barz, J.P. |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis
2009 |
Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Oberflaechenbehandlung partikulaerer und pulverfoermiger Substrate im Fliessbett
Zschörper, N.P.; Barz, J.; Vohrer, U.; Oehr, C. |
2009 |
Chemical and gas-phase kinetics in a CHF3 + Ar discharge
Barz, Jakob Philipp; Lunk, A.; Oehr, Christian |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2008 |
Parylenbeschichtung polymerer Werkstoffe
Barz, J.; Elkin, B.; Müller, Michael; Oehr, Christian |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article
2008 |
Creation and recombination of free radicals in fluorocarbon plasma polymers
Haupt, Michael; Barz, J.; Oehr, Christian |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2007 |
Analytical assessment and functionalization of carbon nanotubes and bucky papers
Vohrer, Uwe; Zschörper, N.P.; Katzenmaier, V.; Barz, J.; Oehr, C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2006 |
Fluorocarbon nano coatings for specific surface functionalization
Haupt, Michael; Barz, J.; Vohrer, Uwe; Hilgers, H.; Oehr, Christian |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2006 |
Niederdruckplasmaprozesse zur gezielten Funktionalisierung von Grenz- und Oberflächen
Haupt, Michael; Barz, J.; Vohrer, Uwe; Oehr, Christian |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article
2006 |
Influence of fluorocarbon plasma polymer films on the growth of primary human fibroblasts
Barz, J.; Haupt, Michael; Pusch, K.; Weimer, M.; Oehr, Christian |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2005 |
ToF-SIMS characterisation of ultra-thin fluorinated carbon plasma polymer films
Gradowski, M. von; Jacoby, B.; Hilgers, H.; Barz, J.; Wahl, M.; Kopnarski, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2005 |
Ultrathin carbon-fluorine films
Barz, J.; Haupt, Michael; Hilgers, H.; Oehr, C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2005 |
Ultrathin carbon-fluorine film processing
Barz, J.; Haupt, Michael; Vohrer, Uwe; Hilgers, H.; Oehr, C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2005 |
Fluor-Kohlenstoff-Nanoschichten zur gezielten Oberflächenfunktionalisierung
Haupt, Michael; Barz, J.; Vohrer, Uwe; Hilgers, H.; Oehr, Christian |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article