Cell and tissue technologies

On the one hand, the innovation field focuses on the development and establishment of human in-vitro test models such as 3D tissue models and cell-based 2D assays. On the other hand, those models are applied for the preclinical testing of drugs, the determination of toxicity and allergenicity of, e.g., cosmetics and chemicals, as well as for clinical applications in personalized medicine.

We have many years of expertise in the development of cell lines, for example to establish assays, the production of biologicals or the handling of (pathogenic) microorganisms.

A focus is on the integration of immune components into microphysiological tissues or reporter cell lines and the use of cell systems as biosensors.

In-vitro active substance and toxicity testing


Cell-based assays for diagnostics, quality control, screening

  • Screening for antimicrobial agents
  • Cell-based detection of pyrogens
  • Virus-protection assay (Antiviral Assay, AVA)
  • TCID50 assay
  • Plaque assay

Immune receptors and drug screening

The innate immune system has great influence on the pathogenesis or the course of diseases such as allergies, infections, tumors, or autoimmune diseases. With the help of immune receptors, we identify novel immunomodulatory molecules as potential drug candidates for the treatment of immunological diseases in (whole-cell) biosensor assays.


3D skin models as test system

Our 3D skin models represent the complex physiology of the skin, including the intact skin barrier. By integrating immune cells and reporter systems to activate immune signaling pathways, they are suited for in-vitro testing of substances for toxicity, cell stress and allergenicity or immunomodulatory properties.


Cell line development for 2D and 3D assays

With our expertise in establishing new cell lines and expression vectors, we support pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the development of cell-based 2D and 3D assays as well as biologicals.



With the aid of a biosensor, an analyte can be detected via a biological element and a physical signal generated as a result. Biosensors are therefore suitable for a wide range of applications, from biotechnology to environmental physics. We develop biosensors for the detection of microbial components, which are used, among other things, for the detection of pyrogens and drinking water monitoring.

Scientific publications from Dr. Anke Burger-Kentischer

Publication Type
2024 A novel three-dimensional Nrf2 reporter epidermis model for skin sensitization assessment
Brandmair, K.; Dising, Denise; Finkelmeier, Doris; Schepky, A.; Kuehnl, J.; Ebmeyer, J.; Burger-Kentischer, Anke
Journal Article
2023 Characterization and Cytotoxic Activity of Microwave-Assisted Extracted Crude Fucoidans from Different Brown Seaweeds
Zayed, Ahmed; Finkelmeier, Doris; Hahn, Thomas; Rebers, Lisa; Shanmugam, Anusriha; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Ulber, Roland
Journal Article
2023 Preparation of multifunctional hydrogels with accessible isothiouronium groups via radical cross-linking copolymerization
Grübel, Jana; L Albernaz, Vanessa; Tsianaka, Anastasia; Jauch, Corinna O.; Quirin, Silia; Kerger, Christian; Kohl, Christina; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Tovar, Günter; Southan, Alexander
Journal Article
2023 Drug repurposing for the treatment of COVID-19: Targeting nafamostat to the lungs by a liposomal delivery system
Reus, Philipp; Guthmann, Hadar; Uhlig, Nadja; Agbaria, Majd; Issmail, Leila; Eberlein, Valentina; Nordling-David, Mirjam M.; Jbara-Agbaria, Doaa; Ciesek, Sandra; Bojkova, Denisa; Cinatl, Jindrich; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Rupp, Steffen; Zaliani, Andrea; Grunwald, Thomas; Gribbon, Philip; Kannt, Aimo; Golomb, Gershon
Journal Article
2023 Nanocrystalline apatites: Post-immersion acidification and how to avoid it - application to antibacterial bone substitutes
Drouet, Christophe; Vandecandelaère, Nicolas; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Trick, Iris; Kohl, Christina; Maucher, Tanja; Müller, Michaela; Weber, Franz
Journal Article
2022 Human-Based Immune Responsive In Vitro Infection Models for Validation of Novel TLR4 Antagonists Identified by Computational Discovery
Merk, H.; Amran-Gealia, T.; Finkelmeier, Doris; Kohl, Christina; Pichota, Isabelle; Stern, N.; Rupp, S.; Goldblum, A.; Burger-Kentischer, Anke
Journal Article
2022 Liposomal siRNA Formulations for the Treatment of Herpes Simplex Virus-1: In Vitro Characterization of Physicochemical Properties and Activity, and In Vivo Biodistribution and Toxicity Studies
Jbara-Agbaria, D.; Blondzik, Saskia; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Agbaria, M.; Nordling-David, M.M.; Giterman, A.; Aizik, G.; Rupp, Steffen; Golomb, G.
Journal Article
2021 A helicase-primase drug candidate with sufficient target tissue exposure affects latent neural herpes simplex virus infections
Gege, Christian; Bravo, Fernando J.; Uhlig, Nadja; Hagmaier, Timo; Schmachtenberg,Rosanne; Elis, Julia; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Finkelmeier, Doris; Hamprecht, Klaus; Grunwald, Thomas; Bernstein, David I.; Kleymann, Gerald
Journal Article
2020 Towards automation in biologics production via Raman micro-spectroscopy, laser-induced forward cell transfer and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Jaeckle, Elisabeth; Brauchle, Eva; Nottrodt, Nadine; Wehner, Martin; Lensing, Richard; Gillner, Arnold; Schenke-Layland, Katja; Bach, Monika; Burger-Kentischer, Anke
Journal Article
2020 Low-energy electron irradiation efficiently inactivates the gram-negative pathogen rodentibacter pneumotropicus
Fertey, Jasmin; Bayer, Lea; Kähl, Sophie; Haji, Rukiya M.; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Thoma, Martin; Standfest, Bastian; Schönfelder, Jessi; Casado, Javier Portillo; Rögner, Frank-Holm; Baums, Christoph Georg; Grunwald, Thomas; Ulbert, Sebastian
Journal Article
2019 Phenomenological investigation of the cytotoxic activity of fucoidan isolated from Fucus vesiculosus
Zayed, Ahmed; Hahn, Thomas; Finkelmeier, Doris; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Rupp, Steffen; Krämer, Roland; Ulber, Roland
Journal Article
2018 Computationally designed bispecific MD2/CD14 binding peptides show TLR4 agonist activity
Michaeli, Amit; Mezan, Shaul; Kühbacher, Andreas; Finkelmeier, Doris; Elias, Maayan; Zatsepin, Maria; Reed, Steven G.; Duthie, Malcolm S.; Rupp, Steffen; Lerner, Immanuel; Burger-Kentischer, Anke
Journal Article
2018 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Bereitstellung einer eine gewünschte Zielprotein-Expression aufweisenden Zelllinie
Gillner, Arnold; Nottrodt, Nadine; Wehner, Martin; Riester, Dominik; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Bach, Monika; Brauchle, Eva; Schenke-Layland, Katja; Greiner, Benjamin; Pippow, Andreas; Nguyen, Phuong-Ha; Hofer, Katharina
2018 The E. coli S30 lysate proteome: A prototype for cell-free protein production
Foshag, D.; Henrich, E.; Hiller, Ekkehard; Schäfer, Miriam; Kerger, Christian; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Diaz-Moreno, I.; García-Mauriño, S.M.; Dötsch, V.; Rupp, Steffen; Bernhard, F.
Journal Article
2018 Teilvorhaben: Automatisierte Biosensoren, selbstlernende Monitoring-Tools und Konzepte für sichere Sensornetzwerke zur Erhöhung der Resilienz von Trinkwasserinfrastrukturen
Bernard, Thomas; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Frick, Konstantin; Jacubasch, Andreas; Kerger, Christian; Kohl, Christina; Kühnert, Christian; Meier, David; Trick, Iris
2017 Immune cell-supplemented human skin model for studying fungal infections
Kühbacher, Andreas; Sohn, Kai; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Rupp, Steffen
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2017 Interaction of Candida Species with the Skin
Kühbacher, Andreas; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Rupp, S.
Journal Article
2017 Central role for dermal fibroblasts in skin model protection against Candida albicans
Kühbacher, Andreas; Henkel, H.; Stevens, Philip; Grumaz, Christian; Finkelmeier, D.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Sohn, K.; Rupp, S.
Journal Article
2016 Kompetitives Immunassay-Testsystem zum Nachweis eines Pyrogens
Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Rupp, Steffen
2016 Computational discovery and experimental confirmation of TLR9 receptor antagonist leads
Zatsepin, Maria; Mattes, Angela; Rupp, Steffen; Finkelmeier, Doris; Basu, Arijit; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Goldblum, Amriam
Journal Article
2016 New Toll-like receptor 9 antagonists
Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Mattes, Angela; Zatsepin, Maria; Goldblum, Amriam
2016 Reduced cytotoxicity and enhanced bioactivity of cationic antimicrobial peptides liposomes in cell cultures and 3D epidermis model against HSV
Ron-Doitch, Sapir; Sawodny, Beate; Kühbacher, Andreas; Nordling, Mirjam M.; Samanta, Ayan; Phopase, Jaywant; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Griffith, May; Golomb, Gershon; Rupp, Steffen
Journal Article
2016 Physicochemical and biological characterization of fucoidan from Fucus vesiculosus purified by dye affinity chromatography
Zayed, Ahmed; Muffler, Kai; Hahn, Thomas; Rupp, Steffen; Finkelmeier, Doris; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Ulber, Roland
Journal Article
2016 On-line monitoring of drinking water based on a biological broad-spectrum sensor
Bernard, Thomas; Jacubasch, Andreas; Trick, Iris; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Kohl, Christina
2015 An antifungal benzimidazole derivative inhibits ergosterol biosynthesis and reveals novel sterols
Keller, Petra; Müller, Christoph; Engelhardt, Isabel; Hiller, Ekkehard; Lemuth, Karin; Eickhoff, Holger; Wiesmüller, Karl-Heinz; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Bracher, Franz; Rupp, Steffen
Journal Article
2015 Control of drinking water by linking biosensors with physicochemical methods
Cimalla, Volker; Hugger, Stefan; Fuchs, Frank; Anzt, Johannes; Bitterling, Moritz; Yang, Nianjun; Kohl, Christina; Maucher, Tanja; Mühlemeier, Ilka; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Trick, Iris
Journal Article
2015 Discovery of new and diverse TLR9 receptor antagonists for regulating innate immune reactions
Goldblum, A.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Mattes, Angela; Zatsepin, M.
Journal Article
2014 Enzyme-functionalized biomimetic apatites: Concept and perspectives in view of innovative medical approaches
Weber, Christina G.; Müller, Michaela; Vandecandelaere, Nicolas; Trick, Iris; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Maucher, Tanja; Drouet, Christophe
Journal Article
2014 B lymphocytes undergo TLR2-dependent apoptosis upon Shigella infection
Nothelfer, K.; Arena, E.T.; Pinaud, L.; Neunlist, M.; Mozeleski, B.; Belotserkovsky, I.; Parsot, C.; Dinadayala, P.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Raqib, R.; Sansonetti, P.J.; Phalipon, A.
Journal Article
2013 An in vitro HSV-1 reactivation model containing quiescently infected PC12 cells
Hogk, I.; Kaufmann, M.; Finkelmeier, D.; Rupp, S.; Burger-Kentischer, A.
Journal Article
2013 3D-tissue model for herpes simplex virus-1 infections
Hogk, I.; Rupp, S.; Burger-Kentischer, A.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2012 Partikuläre Formulierungen für eine verbesserte Wundheilung bei chronischen Wunden
Gruber-Traub, C.; Weber, A.; Müller, Michaela; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Hirth, Thomas
Journal Article
2012 Identification and characterisation of novel antifungal compounds against fungal human pathogens
Keller, P.D.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Finkelmeier, D.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Lemuth, Karin; Hiller, Ekkehard; Engelhardt, I.; Müller, C.; Schröppel, K.; Bracher, F.; Rupp, S.
Journal Article
2012 Das angeborene Immunsystem in vitro: Die Suche neuer Immuntherapeutika
Burger-Kentischer, A.
Journal Article
2012 Identification and characterisation of novel antifungal compounds against fungal human pathogens
Keller, P.D.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Finkelmeier, D.; Wiesmuller, K.H.; Lemuth, Karin; Hiller, Ekkehard; Engelhardt, I.; Muller, C.; Schroppel, K.; Bracher, F.; Rupp, S.
Journal Article
2012 Sprühtrocknung von BSA- und Interferon-beta beladenen Chitosan-Partikeln
Gruber-Traub, C.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Gretzinger, S.; Hirth, Thomas; Weber, A.
Conference Paper
2012 A liposome system for light-driven ATP-synthesis
Thein, Marcus; Volkwein, W.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Rupp, S.; Hirth, Thomas
Journal Article
2012 E. coli-Lysate für die zellfreie Proteinsynthese
Herms, K.; Volkwein, W.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Spielvogel, A.; Oberschmidt, D.; Rupp, S.
Journal Article
2012 Vermeidung von Biofilm und Unterdrückung von Virulenzfaktoren pathogener Mikroorganismen an Grenzflächen
Müller, Michaela; Kohl, Christina; Kerger, Christian; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Trick, Iris; Hirth, Thomas
Journal Article
2011 Breitband-Biosensor AquaBioTox zur onlinefähigen Trinkwasserüberwachung
Bernard, Thomas; Müller, Thomas; Jacubasch, Andreas; Schuchert, Tobias; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Maucher, T.; Geiger, Georg-Ullrich; Trick, Iris; Sedehizade, F.
Conference Paper
2011 In vitro- Testsystem für virale Infektionen
Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Hogk, I.; Finkelmeier, D.; Walles, Heike; Rupp, S.; Kaufmann, M.
2011 Adaptation, adhesion and invasion during interaction of Candida albicans with the host. Focus on the function of cell wall proteins
Hiller, Ekkehard; Zavrel, M.; Hauser, N.C.; Sohn, K.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Lemuth, Karin; Rupp, S.
Journal Article
2011 In vitro 3D Reporter-Hautmodell
Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Finkelmeier, D.; Rupp, Steffen; Kaufmann, M.
2011 Identification and characterisation of novel antifungal compounds using a screening assay based on host-pathogen interaction models
Keller, P.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Finkelmeier, D.; Kleymann, G.; Wiesmuller, K.H.; Lemuth, Karin; Hiller, Ekkehard; Rupp, S.
Journal Article
2011 A new class of antimycotic (S)-2-aminoalkyl benzimidazoles exhibits potent antifungal activity against clinically relevant and against fluconazole resistant strains of Candida spp
Bauer, J.; Kinast, S.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Finkelmeier, D.; Kleymann, G.; Abu Rayyan, W.; Schroppel, K.; Singh, A.; Spohn, R.; Jung, G.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Rupp, S.; Eickhoff, H.
Journal Article
2011 A screening assay based on host-pathogen interaction models identifies a set of novel antifungal benzimidazole derivatives
Burger-Kentischer, A.; Finkelmeier, D.; Keller, P.; Bauer, J.; Eickhoff, H.; Kleymann, G.; Rayyan, W.A.; Singh, A.; Schröppel, K.; Lemuth, Karin; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Rupp, S.
Journal Article
2011 Human immune system in a microtiter plate
Burger-Kentischer, A.
Journal Article
2011 Biofilmvermeidung durch natürliche Wirkstoffe - gezielte und langfristige Freisetzung durch ein PEG-basiertes Depotsystem
Weber, Christina; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Müller, Michaela; Trick, Iris; Hirth, Thomas
Journal Article
2011 High-throughput-screening-based identification and structure-activity relationship characterization defined (S)-2-(1-aminoisobutyl)-1-(3-chlorobenzyl) benzimidazole as a highly antimycotic agent nontoxic to cell lines
Bauer, J.; Kinast, S.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Finkelmeier, D.; Kleymann, G.; Rayyan, W.A.; Schröppel, K.; Singh, A.; Jung, G.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Rupp, S.; Eickhoff, H.
Journal Article
2010 A new cell-based innate immune receptor assay for the examination of receptor activity, ligand specificity, signalling pathways and the detection of pyrogens
Burger-Kentischer, A.; Abele, A.; Finkelmeier, D.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Rupp, S.
Journal Article
2010 Identification of novel antifungal compounds using a HTS activity-selectivity assay
Keller, P.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Finkelmeier, D.; Kleymann, G.; Wiesmüller, K.H.; Lemuth, Karin; Hiller, E.; Rupp, S.
Conference Paper
2010 Communication in biofilms between different species: Candida albicans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Purschke, F.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Rupp, S.; Trick, Iris; Hirth, Thomas
Conference Paper
2009 Identification of novel antifungal compounds using a HTS activity-selectivity assay
Keller, P.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Finkelmeier, D.; Kleymann, G.; Wiesmüller, K.H.; Lemuth, Karin; Hiller, E.; Rupp, S.
Conference Paper
2009 Onlinefähige Trinkwasserüberwachung auf Grundlage eines biologischen Breitbandsensors mit automatischer Bildauswertung (AquaBioTox)
Sedehizade, F.; Trick, Iris; Bernard, T.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Maucher, T.; Geiger, Georg-Ullrich; Kuntze, H.-B.; Müller, T.; Sawo, F.; Moldaenke, C.
Conference Paper
2007 Neue Benzimidazol-2-yl-alkylamine und ihre Anwendung als mikrobizide Wirkstoffe
Rupp, S.; Burger-Kentischer, Anke; Finkelmeier, D.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Bauer, J.; Kleymann, G.; Eickhoff, H.
2006 Zellulärer Pyrogentest
Brunner, H.; Finkelmeier, D.; Geiger, G.; Burger-Kentischer, Anke
2006 Reduction of the aortic inflammatory response in spontaneous atherosclerosis by blockade of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF)
Burger-Kentischer, A.; Göbel, H.; Kleemann, R.; Zernecke, A.; Bucala, R.; Leng, L.; Finkelmeier, D.; Geiger, G.; Schaefer, H.E.; Schober, A.; Weber, C.; Brunner, H.; Rütten, H.; Ihling, C.; Bernhagen, J.
Journal Article
2006 Controlled cell attachment, using plasma deposited polymer microstructures: A novel study of cells-substrate interactions
Sciarratta, V.; Sohn, K.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Brunner, H.; Oehr, Christian
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2005 Binding of JAB1/CSN5 to MIF is mediated by the MPN domain but is independent of the JAMM motif
Burger-Kentischer, A.; Finkelmeier, D.; Thiele, M.; Schmucker, J.; Geiger, G.; Tovar, G.E.M.; Bernhagen, J.
Journal Article
2005 MIF is a potent mediator of spontaneous atherogenesis: Role for MIF in inflammatory cytokine and adhesion molecule expression and CXCRII-dependent monocyte adhesion and migration
Bernhagen, J.; Krohn, R.; Georgiev, I.; Butger-Kentischer, A.; Goebel, H.; Bucala, R.; Leng, L.; Weber, C.
Journal Article
2002 Expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in different stages of human atherosclerosis
Burger-Kentischer, A.; Göbel, H.; Seiler, R.; Fraedrich, G.; Schaefer, H.E.; Dimmeler, S.; Kleemann, R.; Bernhagen, J.; Ihling, C.
Journal Article
2000 Intracellular action of the cytokine MIF to modulate AP-1 activity and the cell cycle through Jab1
Kleemann, R.; Hausser, A.; Geiger, G.; Mischke, R.; Burger-Kentischer, A.; Flieger, O.; Johannes, F.J.; Roger, T.; Calandra, T.; Kapurniotu, A.; Grell, M.; Finkelmeier, D.; Brunner, H.; Bernhagen, J.
Journal Article
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